Qualification Overview

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Advanced Diploma of International Business Management



All business is global. Whether you are exporting software online or a local retailer facing competition from a global brand; business owners, managers and employees need the critical competencies, skills and knowledge to solve the real-world concerns of international business.

The Advanced Diploma of International Business Management has been designed for people seeking or pursuing an exciting career specifically in international business. It has been developed by Australian professionals in their field to provide necessary information regarding international business management. It is recognised as an advanced qualification within the industry.

The course structure provides an articulated learning pathway that ensures that students gain practical skills and knowledge of procedures associated with international business, the management of both internal and external relationships, and the theoretical constructs that underpin the international trading system. In the final unit students are required to demonstrate their capacity to integrate the knowledge and skills gained by the preparation and completion of an international market entry plan.

The course has a unit structure that allows for flexible entry, progress and exit. This nested program structure allows the student to develop the necessary knowledge and skills to function as a senior manager in an international business. The courses is delivered online so that you can continue to work while you study.

With a full time study load, each unit can be completed in five weeks, and you can successfully obtain the Advanced Diploma of International Business Management within 12 months. You also have the option of choosing to study part-time.



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